My debut novel, Flight Before Dawn, tells the story of Victoire, a leader in the French Resistance, on the eve of D-Day. When Leal, the mysterious stranger whom she’s had watched for over two years, arrives on her doorstep, he uncovers a 25-year-old-secret with Victoire at its center. Everything that she thought she knew shifts.
In Flight Before Dawn, Luc is one of the supporting characters. Luc’s lighthouse stands as a beacon on the shores of Brittany. It provides safety to the passing ships in the night. It also stands as a guiding light for Leal, as he wanders through the countryside. Not until he reaches its sheltering light is Leal able to settle into a rhythmic pace of life.
In a more symbolic way, participation in the Resistance provides a light in the darkness for Victoire and her friends. Only by holding fast to what is true, their leading beacon, are they able to struggle against the oppression of war.
In one particular scene, the lighthouse is broken into. Though its door stands swinging on its hinges, and though war demands the dimming of lights, its potential to stand as a beacon remains. Likewsie, when Victoire and her friends face challenges, their fighting spirit, guided by the desire for what is right, perseveres. Like a ship lost on a stormy sea, they search continually for the light, awaiting the dawning of peace.
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