Top Ten Tuesday: Books from Childhood and Teen Years I’d love to revisit

Top Ten Tuesdays

Today’s Top Tuesday from The Broke and the Bookish is “10 Books From My Childhood (Or teen years) That I Would Love To Revisit”

1. Nancy Drew- I’ve read some Nancy Drew mysteries, but there are still many more to read. I’d love to dive back into them and read some more.

2. American Family portrait series- Generations of historical fiction, full of suspense! I read these out of order, first seeing The Allies on the shelf in the book store and wanting to read it immediately. 

3. Ella Enchanted-  The author visited my school in middle school. I somehow only read half of this (not for lack of interest!) and would like to finish it!

4) Both Sides of Time- I read the first three books in the series this is a part of. I never knew there was a fourth until writing this! 

5) Babar the Elephant – I remember the librarian reading these to us in elementary school library time. I loved them! 

6) Little House on the Prairie- I read several of the books in this series and even have a Little House cookbook! 

7) Harold and the Purple Crayon- This book is just fun! It’s great how he draws his way through the pages. 

8) Corduroy- Aw, Corduroy! What a loveable bear

9) Paddington- Aw, Paddington- What a loveable bear (same as above!) and he lives in London! London is kind of fantastic, you know. My friend got me a signed copy too 🙂

10)  Thunder cake- A special cake for a thunderstorm and gorgeous illustrations? Yes, please!

My best to you all,

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