Veterans Day

Flight Before Dawn MEW Books


Today is Veterans Day and also Remembrance Day. I grew up in an Air Force family and thus know many veterans. When I lived in Germany during high school, we participated in a service project each Memorial Day where we decorated the graves of the largest American cemetery in Europe from WWII with a French and American flag. For many, their service demanded all. For others, their service helped hasten peace, free the oppressed and feed the hungry. Of course, families are also such a large part of Veterans Day. One of my favorite articles is about the littlest veterans.

On Monday, Flight Before Dawn, my debut novel about the French Resistance in WWII is launching!
The next book, What Edward Heard, will be releasing next month and follows the life of a WWI veteran when he returns to England from the trenches of the Western Front. I’ve previously written on why I write about war and that to me it is an illustration of the importance of peace.

Here are two previous posts about Veterans Day that I’d like to share with you.
A new way to celebrate Veterans Day

Top Ten Tuesday Books for Veterans Day

My best to you all,

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