Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish People to Follow on Twitter

Top Ten Tuesdays

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday from The Broke and the Bookish is top ten bookish people to follow on Twitter. I’m using a mix of people and hashtags. They are in no particular order.

1. Who? Me!
Where? @MEasleyWalsh
Why? Most of my Twitter is devoted to books, either as a reader, a writer or an editor at Extra Ink Edits.

2. Who? Goodreads
Where? @goodreads
Why? Goodreads is an online book community. My favorite part of it is the tracking of what you’ve read each year.

3. Who? Various Agents
Where? #tenqueries
Why? If you’re a querying author, this hashtag is helpful to get insight into why agents choose or reject queries.

4. Who? Various Agents and Editors
Where? #mswl
Why? If you’re querying a book, it’s important and useful to know what others are looking for. #mswl stands for manuscript wishlist.

5. Who? Christina Yother
Where? @ccyother
Why? Christina is a writing friend, who has three books out, and she makes videos on Youtube about the books she’s reading. It’s interesting to see what she has to say!

6. Who? Other writers
Where? #amwriting, #amediting, #amquerying, #writers, #writerslife, #writerwednesday
Why? These are all hashtags used by writers for the various parts of the writing process.

7. Who? Brenda Drake
Where? @brendadrake
Why? Brenda is behind great Twitter events for writers, like #pitmad. She’s also a writer herself.

8. Who? Pitch Madness
Where? #Pitmad
Why? If you’re trying to get noticed by agents or editors, this is a great hashtag that is used in events throughout the year.

9. Who? Claribel Ortega
Where? Claribel_Ortega
Why? Claribel has an interesting perspective in the book industry, as a writer and through her work with the Combined Book Exhibit. Part of her job is attending the various book fairs throughout the world. She’s also my friend 🙂

10. Who?  Necole Ryse, Keely Keith, Connie Keller
Where?  @NecoleRyse, @keely_keith, @CMKellerWrites
Why? These are all writing friends who have books out for purchase. They write about reading and writing. In short, they’re very bookish people!

My best to you all,


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