Giverny: An Artistic Metaphor for Writing

Monday Features


Giverny, Monet’s home in Normandy, is a wonderful place to visit. His paintings surge to life as you walk through his famous gardens and beside the Japanese bridge. The water lily pond is instantly recognizable. Monet’s art is in many ways like writing. Different colors and seasons emerge through his choice in pigments, just as a story forms based
upon setting and character.

Monet Poplar Summer 1891

 Surrounded by his host of floral characters, one is immersed into the world of impressionism. A good author successfully does that for his or her readers as well. Walking through Monet’s home, his inspiration of Japanese prints is viewed. Likewise, pieces of inspiration and the past can collect in an author’s imagination and thoughts to add height and drama to a story.

 Monet’s paintings in particular often look like a series of dabs and dashes, of uncertain swirls and clouds of color when viewed closely. If you step back though, they become focused, clear and every brush-stroke harmoniously unites to form a stunning painting. Writing, with all of its separate punctuation, sentences, dialogue and grammar, may seem like nothing more than fragments when viewed in isolation, as well. But, when read as a complete work, a beautiful story, one of power and purpose, springs to life- just like Monet’s beloved art.

Monet, River Landscape, Autumn 1883

Now, since it is September, as summer’s curtains are pulling taut and autumn prepares to make her début, Monet’s paintings of the seasons
seem especially appropriate.

My best to you all,

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